The Parable of The
Fig Tree Explained...

                                                                     ...As It Was Intended To Be

Dr. Scott D. McQuate                                                                                                                                                                                           

The Leaves

The root for the word ‘leaves’ in the Greek is ‘Pula’ and means ‘tribe or people’, and when I research the words for the aforementioned sentinel ‘angels’ in the Sumerian, the word ‘relatives’ keeps turning up, also. The word ‘Pula’, when broken down into the Sumerian logograms gives us ‘Pu’ + ‘La’.  Firstly, ‘La’ means ‘abundance’ and ‘wealth’, but the word ‘Pu’ adds something very interesting to this scenario, which sheds a great amount of light on what these ‘leaves’ truly are, for which we are to be ‘watching’, ourselves. But first, a personal story...

A short while ago, I met with a man who is a 32nd Degree Freemason and had been involved in Freemasonry since the mid ‘80’s. I had been uncovering a tremendous amount of information and I was looking for some kind of confirmation that the things I had been uncovering were known to someone else, other than me. Knowing full well that no Pastor or member of the Clergy would be aware of any of the information, and would almost certainly scoff at my findings, I figured that certainly a Freemason would be able to confirm what I was learning in my research. I couldn’t have been more wrong.  

I sat with this nice gentleman, who was in his mid to late 50’s, probing for bits of information that he might give me to shed light on my findings. I was very tactful in how I approached the issues and was careful as to how much information I gave him. To make a long story short, the man knew absolutely nothing of what I’ve found – NOTHING! What this ended up being was a 2-hour class in which I taught him what the ‘real’ meaning of much of the symbolism in Freemasonry actually meant. He was awestruck and referred me to a 33rd Degree Freemason with whom I’ve yet to speak. Bottom line, it confirmed my suspicion that even those at the highest levels of Freemasonry do NOT know the information that I’m sharing with you because it has been intentionally hidden from them by the higher-ranking members of the Illuminati. (And this website only scratches the surface of what i've found from thousands of hours of intense research since the year 2000. To learn more, you can join my private Inner Circle by clicking here.) 

One thing this man did share with me, however, was an experience he had while hunting. He told me a story of when he and a friend of his were hunting in familiar woods that he grew up in as a young boy. While waiting on the deer, a UFO appeared not more than 40 feet above their heads. It was shaped like a football, but flattened in the middle and was grey metallic in color. It made no sound, whatsoever, but made the old-style power lines (the kind on the short wooden poles) that were right below it, hum like guitar strings. He said it was as if it was ‘fueling itself’ with the energy from those lines. He stated that it flew in circles several times, no more than 100 yards away, came back to ‘perch’ over their heads, and then flew off, never making a sound. He said that he and his friend were caught between fear and awe and didn’t know exactly what to do, but he will never forget that experience. As little as I learned from that man that night, unbeknownst to me, his story was the ‘real’ confirmation that I was looking for, for what I’m about to share with you next. 

The ‘leaves’ of the fig tree have to do with ‘abundance and wealth’, as we’ve seen from the Sumerian logogram ‘La’, but what about the ‘Pu’ part of the word? Well, if you have ever wondered whether spherical UFO’s (Orbs or USO’s – Unidentified Submersible Objects) are real or have ever seen one yourself and would like confirmation that they are of the Father, then you will be happy to know that the Sumerian logogram ‘Pu’ literally means ‘Wheels’ or ‘Chariots’. And if these terms sound familiar to you from reading the Bible, then you know exactly what they are in reference to. These ‘leaves’ on the ‘Fig Tree’ are literally the same thing that Ezekiel described as the ‘Wheel within a Wheel’ and the same ‘Chariots’ that are described many places all throughout the Old Testament. The word ‘wheel’ is not as accurate as it should be, however, as the word really means ‘to turn’, and according to the description that we’ve seen given in the Bible, it should more accurately be translated a ‘Sphere within a Sphere’.  

What , therefore, is this prophecy telling us? Click here to go to the next page and learn the meaning of this prophecy, or click here to visit my Inner Circle to learn the meaning of this story and many more that have been kept secret for thousands of years!