The Parable of The
Fig Tree Explained...

                                                                     ...As It Was Intended To Be

Dr. Scott D. McQuate                                                                                                                                                                                           

The Pyramid

When we uncover a little history about the Great Pyramid at Giza, you know that it once was covered in highly-polished, white limestone, which actually glowed when the sun hit it, we also find that the three pyramids at the Giza Plateau in Egypt are also perfectly aligned to the 3 stars in the belt of Orion, which is why the Sumerian logograms ‘Kur’ and ‘Eb’, as in Horeb, also mean, ‘Waist Mountain’, in reference to those stars on Orion’s belt or ‘Waist’. When we put the pieces together, we soon find that the pyramid, placed East of Eden by YHWH (The Anunaki), was one and the same as this ‘Angle Mountain’ which ‘Shined every way’, just as described in the Bible as the Cherubim with the Flaming Sword, that did the same.   

The Pyramid at Giza, created by the Anunaki (The fallen angels), is one and the same as Horeb/Sinai/The Cherub with the Flaming Sword. This is also why the pyramid is called ‘Sin-Ai’, or ‘Sin Eye’, because the watchers, residing under it, are watching the ‘sin’, and making ready when they are called upon to eradicate it, for the final time. 

Another reason that the pyramid has been the ‘temple’ of choice, placed ‘over’ these watchers, is that these Watchers also represent the ‘Rib’ that was taken from Adam. Knowing now who YHWH actually represents, and that the Anunaki were the fallen ones, we can deduce that the ‘surgery’ performed on Adam in the Garden, by YHWH (The Anunaki), was not a righteous act, ordained by the Creator.  

The purpose for this ‘splitting’ of Adam to create Eve was to add something to the Rib of Adam. The ‘Rib’ is simply a shrouded reference to Ribose or ‘RIB-o-nucleic acid’, which is the 5-side, star-shaped molecule which makes up one half of the genetic material that comprises our DNA chain. The thing that was added to this ‘Rib’ was six-sided, and is known as a ‘Phosphate’. The word ‘Rib’ in the Sumerian means ‘To be higher in rank’. When the phosphate (also known genetically as a ‘Pyran’) was added to the ‘Rib’ (placed over it), the Anunaki/YHWH broke a spiritual law and usurped the higher authority of the Father.  

This Pyran is a representation of what the Bible calls Remphan (See Acts 7 and Amos 26), and means literally, ‘Saturn’, even in the Coptic (Egyptian) and Arabic languages. Saturn is represented by a six-sided Hexagon on its North pole, and is known for its blueness in color (See Wikipedia etc.). These two shapes, the hexagon and Pentagon, represent the number 5 and the number 6. In the Greek, the number 6 is ‘Sera’ and the number 5 is ‘Penta’, the two of which make up the word, ‘Sera-Penta’ or… ‘Serpent’, as it is referred to in Genesis during the creation in Eden. The pyramids being placed over those who represent the ‘Rib’ (The good angels/Watchers), therefore, is literally the Anunaki’s way of reminding their brethren that they have ‘raised themselves up like God’, AS the Eagle, (See Obadiah 1:4) and have overtaken the RIB. In the old Norse language, incidentally, the man’s name ‘ARN’ means ‘eagle’, and is simply an anagram for RNA, or, RIB-o-nucleic acid. 

The Pyramids, especially the one at Giza, therefore, are symbols of the Phosphate or Pyran, meaning ‘fire’ (from where we get the word ‘Pyramid’, which means ‘fire in the midst’), in our DNA as well as the ‘Cherub with the flaming sword’, as well as Mount Horeb, as well as Mount Sinai. This is why Jacob stated that his son DAN would be a ‘Serpent’ (Sera-Penta) in the way, as DAN is simply an anagram of DNA. The pyramid also represents the Fig Tree itself, as it is the symbol of where the Figs, themselves have been stationed, as the Sentry’s awaiting their call to action, meaning, when they are ripe. 

So, what, therefore, are the ‘leaves’ of this Fig Tree that are the true sign that ‘Summer is nigh’? Click here to go to the next page and find out now, or click here to learn the meaning of this and many other ancient stories that have been covered up for thousands of years, by those who control your world.